There are some things people expect to raise their insurance and some you are not prepared for. You of course will expect your premium to go up if you get into an accident or after a few parking tickets. But there are dangers lurking out there that may make your insurance go up.
Getting old– usually when you reach 26 your insurance goes down, but fast forward 24 more years and it may go back up again. Even though it is a proven statistic that older drivers can be safer it is a common practice to raise insurance rates after you turn 50.
Credit Scores– Missed a few credit card payments? Well you might watch your credit score low and your insurance go higher. If you cannot pay minimal payments on credit cards they suspect you may not be able to pay for your insurance and you are more of a risk, up your insurance goes.
New job farther away– If you recently got a new job and drive further to get to work this one is a no brainer. Driving further means there is more of a chance you can get into a accident. Risk rises and insurance goes up with it.
Someone Else Wrecks your Car– So you let your buddy take a wild ride in your new ride. Well that friend also wrecked your car. Even though it wasn’t you, it was your vehicle. And if your buddy doesn’t cough up the money for repairs you could be liable for the damages and increase in insurance.
You are Single– Yes life is cruel and unusually. If you are single you are statistically more likely to get into an accident. For whatever reason you choose, if you are not married you are labels as a risk! So pay up or get married!
Knowing these risks can help you avoid potential problems in your future. Except the whole getting married thing… don’t rush into that one!