Have you noticed the windshield wipers on your car seem to struggle to clear off your windshield when it’s raining outside? This could put you, your passengers, and other drivers in danger if you don’t do something about it. You should strongly consider replacing your windshield wiper blades right away. Here are several other signs that’ll show you need new windshield wiper blades as soon as possible.
Your windshield wiper blades are scraping up against your windshield.
If you hear a loud scratching sound every time you turn your windshield wipers on, that likely means that your windshield wiper blades are scraping up against your windshield. This can cause permanent damage to your windshield and ruin the aesthetic appeal of your car as a whole. You should have your windshield wiper blades replaced immediately.
Your windshield wiper blades appear to be peeling off.
When you look at your windshield wiper blades, does it appear as though they’re going to fall right off at any moment? Over time, the sun will dry your windshield wiper blades out and eventually cause them to start to crack and peel. Once this happens, it’ll mean that it’s time to replace them with new ones instead of continuing to try and use them.
Your windshield wiper blades skip across your windshield when they’re turned on.
Your windshield wiper blades should glide smoothly across your windshield when you turn them on. If they don’t do this, you might want to put a coat of water repellent on your windshield to see if that does the trick. If it doesn’t, replacing your windshield wiper blades might be your only option to remedy the situation.
Replacing your old windshield wiper blades with new ones is very inexpensive. It also doesn’t take much time. But despite this, many people drive around with worn-out windshield wiper blades for far too long. AV Bumper to Bumper can handle windshield wiper blade replacement for you. Call us at 661-949-1999 today to have your wiper blades replaced.