Things wear out over time on cars and trucks, including brakes. If you think about how much brakes are used, it’s no wonder that eventually they need replacing. Most vehicle’s brake pads need to be replaced every 25,000 to 65,000 miles, while brake rotors need replacing between every 30,000 and 70,000 miles.
Signs You Have Brake Issues
How would you know you have brake issues? If you’re a keen observer with good eyes and a working knowledge of vehicle parts, you could take a look for wear-and-tear. Look at your brake pads between the wheel spokes and if they’re less than a quarter-inch thick, then it’s time to get them checked by a mechanic.
Most people will hear what sounds like a high-pitched screeching coming from the wheel area(s) of their vehicle and this will alert them that something’s wrong… There’s actually a piece of metal built into brake pads so that when the pads get too thin, that grating/whining noise will start and you’ll know, “A-ha, now it’s time for new brake pads.”
How does your vehicle act right now? If you get a slow stopping response or the vehicle pulls to one side you might have a braking issue. Does your brake pedal and/or steering wheel seem to vibrate? Get your brakes checked.
Finally, if you’re parked somewhere and then move the vehicle and notice a black puddle of fluid on the pavement where the car or truck was, that could be leaking brake fluid which kind of looks like a less slimy version of motor oil.
You don’t want to wait a long time to get brakes fixed– after all, they play an integral role in the function of your vehicle, stopping it! In Lancaster, CA, you can make an appointment at AV Bumper to Bumper for a brake(s) inspection; Call 661-949-1999 to schedule your appointment.