Your vehicle has many parts that are essential to it functioning properly. Some of these parts may look simple to the naked eye but when they fail they can have some serious consequences.
Your Timing Belt for instance; this belt makes sure your motor is running in time. That means all the parts are working at the moment they are supposed to. If your timing belt breaks due to not having it regular maintenance, then you can have a serious situation on your hands. Not only will you vehicle stop running on the spot but you may also have serious internal damage to your motor. When the timing belt fails, parts of your motor don’t know when they should be going up and down or in and out so they do whatever they can right before it stops. Replacing all those engine parts can be costly but all can be avoided with having your vehicle regularly serviced.
Another belt you want to keep an eye out for is your serpentine belt. This belt controls smaller motors within your motor. Such as the power steering, air conditioning, and injection pump. If this belt breaks the damage may be less than your timing belt, but can still have the same effect. When this belt breaks you lose power to those things it is controlling, meaning you will lose power steering. Most people have never driven without power steering and let me tell you it is an accident waiting to happen. Your power steering is what makes you able to make nice smooth turns, without that you may get into an accident.
Hoses are a flexible connection for coolant from the engine to radiator and back again. These hoses make sure your engine stays cool and functioning. If your engine overheats it simply stops working. Imagine a 90 degree day, your engine is hot enough just sitting there, now you are heating it up by turning your vehicle on and then the hose breaks. Now your engine isn’t receiving the coolant it needs to stay cool under pressure.
All of these items are why it is important to make sure you have your vehicle regularly serviced.