California has some of the highest gas prices in the country, but gas prices are beginning to drop from record highs at the beginning of October. Prices have steadily increased from a year ago. The average in California a year ago was $3.86 a gallon. Last week it was $4.59, and yesterday, 10/23, the price per gallon across the state was $4.40. Compared to the rest of the country it’s much higher. $3.46 a year ago, $3.77 last week, and $3.65 yesterday is a pretty remarkable difference.
According to a San Jose Mercury News article released, “Here’s a surprise — a pleasant one: Prices may fall an additional 10 to 15 cents a gallon a week through Thanksgiving to about $4 a gallon, and they could drop to $3.75 a gallon or lower before the end of the year.”
There are a couple factors leading to the lowering of price. In the fall and winter new blends of gas are introduced at stations as well as people driving less compared to the spring and summer. “The national average is also plummeting. Tuesday’s price of $3.65 was down a dime from a week ago, the largest seven-day decline since May 2011 and one of the largest since the recession hit in 2008.”
Our area of Southern California has maybe seen it the worst with even $5 a gallon seen at some points. For consumer’s sake, hopefully we see a drop in prices. Of course, keeping automobiles running at an optimal level is key to saving as much money on gas as possible. Some people, depending on what type of vehicle you have, could easily spend $100 at the pump. Making sure you save a few dollars here and there with improvements to your car will go a long way over the lifespan of vehicle and over the course of a year.
This is very true, but look how quickly it skiepd. Here in Boise we went from $2.95 2 weeks ago, to $2.99 1 week ago, to $3.09 on Monday, then $3.19 by 5 pm Wednesday. And 10 years ago my car cost $15 to fill, now it costs $30. And I fill up 4 to 8 times per month, being in outside sales. Its the speed of the hikes, and the reasoning behind them that is disturbing. We are being gouged no doubt about it.
Honestly?????? We at least have the government coontnllirg these prices, why we have to put up with this when those in government officer are not affected by this. I am really angry now more than ever as it is now going into 2 mths I am unemployed and I cannot believe how difficult it is to get a job. We have the sunshine list out yesterday, gas prices up by almost .05cents, grocery and the new election which will cost us more for these idiots to sling mud at each other not acheiving anything at all. Can you tell I am angry???