Sometimes we come across a car we love, and we don’t want to give it up. Even after its been through hell, we don’t want to give it up. Some owners would rather keep their vehicles they’ve had for 10-15 years instead of ditching them for a new car. For some people, their car is an extension of their personality and their life.
The Wall Street Journal wrote and article, “Breaking Up With A Broken-Down Car Is Hard To Do.”
“Nearly half of the 250 million cars registered in the U.S. are now 11 years old or older, according to R.L. Polk & Co., an automotive-market data company. And while many people drive older cars because they can’t afford a better vehicle, there are plenty who could ditch their old car or truck, but don’t. They like the values an old car reflects—dependability, frugality, a rejection of a throwaway, planned-obsolescence culture. Old cars can remind their owners of youth, family and adventures. Some old cars are more than machines to their owners. They have personalities. They have names.”
Keeping these cars in operating condition is tough to do. As they get older, of course the more probability of a major breakdown or problem occurring could happen. However, keep it properly maintained or finding the right mechanics, like us, can prolong the life of your beloved car and keep you from having to ditch it. Even simple maintenance like brake replacement, oil changes, air filters and tire rotation will help keep your vehicle in optimal shape and on the road with you.
Here are some examples of people who love their cars, no matter what. Check it by clicking here.