Even though people have been driving for decades now, that doesn’t mean that people know everything there is to know about their cars. Here are a few that are just totally wrong!
–A manual transmission will give you better gas mileage automatic transmissions. While this was true at one point, this is no longer the case. Advancements in technology have put the two on the same level.
–Filling your car with jet fuel will make it more powerful. This is definitely not true- if you put anything but gas in your car, it will not run. Engines will not, and cannot, combust kerosene.
–Shooting a bullet into a car’s gas tank will lead to an explosion. It is a common feat in many action movies for the bad guy’s getaway car to receive a bullet to the gas tank. Mythbusters themselves proved that this was false- they go right through the tank with no fire.
–Using your air conditioning is better on your fuel economy than opening the windows. While this one was more difficult to pin down, Mythbusters was able to help once again. It might depend on the make and model of your vehicle, but based on multiple tests, the official finding is that using your air conditioning will use up more fuel than just opening the windows. However, it is still suggested you use it in order to remain comfortable and alert.
–Using your cell phone when you fuel up will cause an explosion. While there has been no documented evidence that this is true, it is still suggested that you exercise caution while pumping gas.
–You will get more bang for your buck when you fill up in the morning versus the evening. The thought is that you would be going to fill up when it was colder so you would be getting denser gas and therefore getting more. However, the gas is stored in an underground tank where the temperature hardly, if ever, changes.
–Hiding behind a car will protect you from gunfire. However, its not a safe bet that the car will stop the bullets, even if some aren’t going fast enough or strong enough to pierce the steel.
–Getting off-brand gas can hurt your car. This is not true- they have to go through all the same tests and standards as Mobil and Shell.
–Electric cars are more likely to catch fire in a crash. This isn’t true- either type of car would need certain circumstances to catch fire, and one is not more likely than another.
–Your oil needs to be changed every 3,000 miles, or just never change it. While newer cars will not need to have the oil changed this frequently, another myth was sparked: you will never need to change it at all. While it is true that you can go longer, it is recommended that you get the occasional oil change.