Your wipers do not nearly get the credit that they deserve- they could be working for hours at a time in extreme conditions- all so that they can move rain, snow, and sometimes even dirt from your windshield at the push of the button.
They do all of this while being made out of a thin strip of rubber and plastic. Wow.
Due to the harsh conditions, they are sure to need replacement every now and then- but how long will they last you?
Most experts will say that your blades should be replaced every 6-12 months, depending on the weather conditions in your area. Don’t believe that just because you live in a sunny area where it doesn’t rain much that you won’t need to replace them as often- dry atmospheres can make them crack even easier!
The easiest way to tell if you need to replace them is if you see a lot of streaking on your windshield when you use the blades. Another indicator is if they are making squeaking or chattering sounds (although chattering can happen if your windshield is dry as well). If left alone for an extended period of time, the rubber material can actually separate from the plastic arm, which could ultimately harm your windshield!
Generally you can get away with replacing just the rubber strip, instead of the whole arm. However there are instances where they get bent over time, so it is best to have them inspected regularly.
At AV Bumper to Bumper, we can replace them for you within minutes, no matter what type of vehicle.