It is very common for accidents and mishaps to happen to even the most cautious of drivers. Tires blow out, gauges stop working, your car overheats or you get into an accident. These are all things to be prepared for, even if they never happen.
The best way to ensure your safety and to get out of troublesome issues is by stocking your vehicle with roadside emergency items. Sure, you could just invest in a roadside service, but time is not always of the essence and you could wind up waiting for hours.
Here are some things to keep handy for the just in case scenarios:
- A cell phone to call 911, family or your roadside service
- A First-aid kit equipped with bandages, gauze and ointment to care for the smallest of cuts to more severe injuries
- A compact, multi-purpose dry-chemical fire extinguisher for fire emergencies
- Flares or hazard triangles to alert oncoming traffic and emergency vehicles
- A tire gauge for checking tire pressure
- A jack and lug wrench to change a flat tire
- Non-flammable foam tire sealant or portable compressor and plug kit to fit tire punctures
- Spare fuses if you suspect an electrical burnout (learn how to use these beforehand)
- Jumper cables or a portable battery booster for when your battery dies
- Flashlight, gloves and extra pair of clothes for dark and dirty fixes
- Pen and paper in case you need to write down insurance information if involved in an accident, phone
numbers or any other important information
What do you have in your emergency roadside kit? Let us know in the comments below!