A vehicle’s driveshaft has a purpose– to transmit torque (a twisting force produced by the engine) to the wheels of the vehicle. The driveshaft is essentially the shaft that drives a vehicle, so it’s a critical component of any car or truck. How would you know if you might have a bad driveshaft? What are some common signs to look for?
First, while driving, if you notice vibrations coming from under your vehicle, you might have driveshaft trouble. Vibrations are usually a result of the bushings of the drive shaft being worn out.
Clunky Noises
Next, do you hear a clunking noise when you accelerate, put the vehicle into drive, or into reverse? Your driveshaft could have a bad slip yoke. If you hear a squeaking noise coming from underneath the vehicle, your driveshaft could be out of balance or a part of it is worn out.
Tough Turns
Thirdly, if you have a hard time turning, such that the wheels don’t turn immediately or they hesitate, that’s probably a driveshaft issue.
Driving With a Bad Drive Shaft
Can you drive with a bad driveshaft? Technically, yes, but it’s not a good idea to do so. You risk having the driveshaft snapping apart, and you could lose power to an axle and/or find that the vehicle won’t move forward if the driveshaft gets wedged between your vehicle and the ground.
Are you wondering about your driveshaft and if it’s working properly or might have problems? Want to know if it needs to be repaired or replaced? Visit AV Bumper to Bumper in Lancaster, CA, and have a qualified mechanic take a look. Call 661-949-1999 to schedule an appointment. AV Bumper to Bumper is open weekdays, 8am to 6pm, and is located at 44559 N. Division Street in Lancaster.