There are a lot of really important parts that you rely on with your vehicle. You wouldn’t be able to drive without things like an engine, a gas tank or a set of four tires, of course. Your starter, however, might just be the most important part of your vehicle, because if it’s not working properly – no matter the condition of the rest of your vehicle – it’s not going to start.
For this reason, you should keep an eye – and in some cases, an ear – out for signs of a bad car starter. If you’re able to catch it before it dies on you completely, you could save yourself from the hassle of having to get towed to our repair shop to get a new starter. Here are some of the signs of a bad car starter.
Your Engine Refuses to Turn Over
There are several things that can cause your car to not turn over, so your first guess might not be the starter. For example, a dead battery can leave you wondering why your engine won’t turn over, but if you put your key into the ignition and turn it and nothing happens, it could be the starter. Unless you know you left your lights on or otherwise drained your batter, it’s best to get your car to our shop to assess what’s wrong.
Your Car Makes a Grinding Noise
If all you hear is a grinding sound when you turn the key, you probably have an issue with the gears that serve as a bridge between your starter and your flywheel. This noise indicates that it’s definitely time to have your car looked at right away. Some people try to continue driving when their car makes this sound repeatedly, and they can end up doing even more damage to the parts inside of their car.
Your Car Produces Smoke
Because your car’s starter is powered by electricity, it can be susceptible to overheating. If it does overheat, it will often produce large clouds of smoke that will billow out from the engine area. This is a pretty obvious sign – and can be frightening, too! – which is why you shouldn’t wait to call for help if this ever happens.
Do you suspect that your starter might have malfunctioned or may soon, have your car starter checked out, replaced or repaired immediately at AV Bumper to Bumper. Our team can take a look at your starter and tell you whether or not you should consider replacing it. We can also diagnose other issues with your vehicle and provide you with top-notch customer service. Call us at 661-949-1999 to schedule a service appointment today.