Your vehicle has many parts that are essential to it functioning properly. Some of these parts may look simple to the naked eye but when they fail they can have some serious consequences. Your Timing Belt for instance; this belt makes sure your motor is running in time. That means all the parts are working… Read more »
Posts Tagged: auto maintenance and repair shop Califronia
5 Engine Noises and What They Mean
It can cause some people to panic if they start to hear sounds coming from their car that they are not used to hearing. You may begin to dread what comes next, but the sooner you get it fixed the better the chances are that you will catch it before it turns into something serious…. Read more »
California’s Prop. 33
On November 6, 2012 Proposition 33 will be on the ballot giving voters a chance to increase competition between insurance carriers and improve their chances of getting better auto insurance rates. According to the state’s official voter guide there are two summaries for the ballot. The long-form summary for Proposition 33 says: Changes current law… Read more »