One of the most daunting maintenance and repair issues for vehicle owners is the transmission. Transmission repairs are the cause of a lot of anxiety for people, mainly because of the possible repercussions of not having any problems resolved. The transmission is a major component of the vehicle. They have many parts and, of course, are a vital chunk of your vehicle’s operation.
You can always bring in your vehicle to our Lancaster, CA shop, and we’ll take a look at the transmission, see if the fluid needs to be replaced, or swap any parts that need replacement. What happens if you don’t have it taken care of? The average cost of transmission replacement according to Allied Transmission, $3000. Engine work could cost even more.
Thankfully, we can help have every issue resolved quickly. From complete transmission overhaul to diagnostic testing, we work closely with you to make sure the repairs suit the needs of every vehicle we repair. Take a look at this infographic below for a closer look at transmission troubles.